Maharlika Highway, Brgy. Sta Maria, Calauag, Quezon

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Tel. No. (042) 717-7223


Freedom of Information



   1.   Overview

1       Purpose of the Manual

2       Structure of the Manual

3       Coverage of the Manual

4       FOI Receiving Officer

5       FOI Decision Maker

6       Administrator

7       Bases of Denial of Request

8       Central Appeals and Review Committee

  1. Definition of Terms
  2. Glossary of Terms
  3. Protection of Privacy
  4. Standard Procedure
    1. Receipt of Request for Information
    2. Evaluation of the Request
      1. 1.Request relating more than one officer under the CWD
      2. 2.Requested information is not in the custody of the CWD
      3. 3.Requested information is already posted and available on-line
      4. 4.Requested information is substantially similar or identical to the previous request
      5. 5.Requested information is under the Exception List
      6. 6.Requested information is under Restricted Information
  5. Transmittal from FRO to Decision Maker
  6. Processing the Request
  7. Role of FRO to transmit the Clarificatory Information
  8. Request for an Extension of Time
  9. Notifying the requesting party of decision
    1. Approval of Request
    2. Denial of Request
  10. Remedies in Case of Denial of Request
  11. Request Tracking System
  12. Fees
  13. Administrative Liability
  14. Annexes
    1. Executive Order No. 02
    2. FOI Receiving Officer of the CWD
    3. FOI Request Flow Chart



  1. FOI Request Form


  1. 1.PURPOSE: The purpose of this FOI Manual (Manual) is to provide the process to guide and assist the CALAUAG WATER DISTRICT (CWD) in dealing with requests for information received under Executive Order (E.O) No. 2 on Freedom of Information (FOI). “Annex A”.

  1. STRUCTURE OF THE MANUAL: This manual shall set out the procedures and rules to be followed by the CALAUAG WATER DISTRICT when a request for access to information is received. The CWD General Manager is responsible for all actions carried out under this Manual and may delegate this responsibility to the next-in-rank down to the level of the Section Head. The General Manager shall have overall responsibility for the final decision on FOI requests (i.e. to decide whether to release all the records, partially release the records or deny access).

  1. COVERAGE OF THE MANUAL: The Manual shall cover all requests for information directed to the CALAUAG WATER DISTRICT (CWD).

  1. FOI RECEIVING OFFICER: There shall be an FOI Receiving Officer (FRO) designated at the CWD. The FRO shall hold office at the CWD Office, Calauag, Quezon. Its functions include the following:
    1. Receive all requests for information and conduct initial evaluation of the request;
    2. Advise the requesting party on whether the request will be forwarded to the FOI Decision Maker for further evaluation, or , if the information is already in the CWD website, advice the requestor accordingly;
    3. Forward the request to the appropriate FOI Decision Maker who has custody of the records;
    4. Monitor and expedite all FOI request and appeals;
    5. Provide assistance to the FOI Decision Maker/s;
    6. Provide assistance and support to the public and staff with regard to FOI;
    7. Compile statistical information as required on request of FOI nature.

“Annex B”, the FOI Receiving Officer for the CWD and her contact details.

  1. FOI Decision Maker: The various Section Heads of CWD are designated as the FOI Decision Maker/s (FDM). The FDM shall have the following functions:
    1. Evaluate the request for information;



  1. Endorse to the General Manager the grant of the request either completely or partially, or denial of the request.
  2. The General Manager makes the final decision on the approval or denial of the request.

  1. Bases for Denial of Request. A request can be evaluated for denial on the following grounds:
    1. The CWD does not have the information requested;
    2. The information requested contains sensitive personal information protected by the Data Privacy Act of 2012;
    3. The information requested falls under the list of exceptions to FOI;
    4. The request is an identical or substantially similar information requested by the same requesting party which had already been previously granted or denial by the CWD;
    5. The requested information is already posted in the CWD website.

  1. Appeals and Review Committee: There shall be an Appeals and Review Committee composed of a member of the Board of Directors as head and two (2) other senior employees, designated by the CWD Administrator to review and analyze the grant or denial of request information. The Committee shall endorse to the General Manager the proper response/action on the appeal. The General Manager makes the final decision on the appeal taking into consideration the endorsement of the Committee.

¹SECTION 2: DEFINITION OF TERMS   The Open Data website that serves as the government’s comprehensive portal for all public government data that is searchable, understandable and accessible.   The website that serves as the government’s comprehensive FOI website for all information on the FOI. Among many other features, provides a central resource for the public to understand the FOI, to locate records that are already available online and to learn how to make a request for information that is not yet publicly available. also promotes agency accountability for the administration of the FOI by graphically   displaying the detailed statistics contained in Annual FOI Reports, so that they can be compared by agency and over time.


¹Taken from the Agency Model FOI Manual provided by the Presidential Communication Operations Office



INFORMATION. Shall mean any records, documents, papers, reports, letters, contracts, minutes and transcripts of official meetings, maps, books, photographs, data, research materials, films, sound and video recording, magnetic or other tapes, electronic data, computer stored data, any other like or similar data or materials recorded, stored or archived in whatever format, whether offline or online, which are made, received or kept in or under the control and custody of any government office pursuant to law, executive order and rules and regulations or in connection with the performance or transaction of official business by any government office.

INFORMATION FOR DISCLOSURE. Information promoting the awareness and understanding of policies, programs, activities, rules or revisions affecting the public, government agencies and the community and economy. It also includes information encouraging familiarity with the general operations, thrusts and programs of the government. In line with the concept of proactive disclosure and open data, these types of information can already be posted to government websites, such as, without need for written requests from the public.

OFFICIAL RECORD/S. Shall refer to information produced or received by a public officer or employee, or by a government office in an official capacity or pursuant to a public function or duty.

OPEN DATA. Refers to publicly available data structured in a way that enables the data to be fully discoverable and usable by end users.

PUBLIC RECORDS. Shall include information required by laws, executive orders, rules or regulations to be entered, kept and made publicly available by a government office.

PUBLIC SERVICE CONTRACTOR. Shall be defined as a private entity that has dealing, contract or a transaction of whatever form or kind with the government or a government agency or office that utilizes public funds.


PERSONAL INFORMATION. Shall refer to any information, whether recorded in a material form or not, from which the identity of an individual is apparent or can be reasonably and directly ascertained by the entity holding the information, or when put together with other information would directly and certainly identify an individual.

SENSITIVE PERSONAL INFORMATION. As defined in the Data Privacy Act of 2012, shall refer to personal information:

  1. About an individual race, ethnic origin, marital status, age, color and religious

philosophical or political affiliations;



  1. About an individual health, education, genetic or sexual life of a person, or to any
  2. proceedings for any offense committed or alleged to have committed by such
  3. person, the disposal of such proceedings or the sentence of any court in such proceedings;
  4. Issued by government agencies peculiar to an individual which includes, but not limited to, social security numbers, previous or current health records, licenses or its denials, suspension or revocation, and tax returns; and,
  5. Specifically established by an executive order or an act of Congress to be kept classified.


ADMINISTRATIVE FOI APPEAL. An independent review of an initial denial made in response to a FOI request. Requesting parties who are dissatisfied with the response made on their initial request have a right to appeal that initial determination to an office within the agency (Appeal and Review Committee), which will then conduct an independent review.

ANNUAL FOI REPORT. A report to be filed each year with the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) by all government agencies detailing the administration of the FOI. Annual FOI Reports contain detailed statistics on the number of FOI and appeals received, processed and pending at a particular government office.

EXCEPTIONS. Information that should not be released and disclosed in response to a FOI request because they are protected by the Constitution, laws or jurisprudence.

FREEDOM OF INFORMATION (FOI). The Executive Branch recognizes the right of the people to information on matters of public concern and adopts and implements a policy of full disclosure of all its transactions involving public interest, subject to the procedures and limitations provided in Executive Order No. 2. This right is indispensable to the exercise of the right of the people and their organizations to effective and reasonable participation at all levels of social, political and economic decision-making.

FOI CONTACT. The name, address and phone number at each government office where you can make a FOI request.

FOI REQUEST. A written request submitted to a government office personally or by email asking


² Taken from the Agency Model FOI Manual issued by the PCOO



for records on any topic. An FOI request can generally be made by any Filipino to any government office.

FOI RECEIVING OFFICE. The primary contact at each agency where the requesting party can call and ask questions about the FOI process or the pending FOI request.

FREQUENTLY REQUESTED INFORMATION. Info released in response to a FOI request that the agency determines have become or are likely to become the subject of subsequent requests for substantially the same records.

FULL DENIAL. When the CWD or any of its section cannot release any records in response to a FOI request, because, for example, the requested information is exempt from disclosure in its entirety or no records responsive to the request could be located.

FULL GRANT. When a government office is able to disclose all records in full in response to a FOI request.

MULTI-TRACK PROCESSING. A system that divides incoming FOI requests according to their complexity so that simple requests requiring relatively minimal review are placed in one processing track and more complex requests are placed in one or more other tracks. Requests granted expedited processing are placed in yet another track. Requests in each track are processed on a first in/first out basis.

PARTIAL GRANT/PARTIAL DENIAL. When a government office is able to disclose portions of the records in response to a FOI request, but must deny other portions of the request.

PENDING REQUEST OR PENDING APPEAL. An FOI request or administrative appeal for which a government office has not yet taken final action. It covers anything that is open at a given time including requests that are well within the statutory response time.

PERFECTED REQUEST. An FOI request, which reasonably describes the records, sought and is made in accordance with the government office’s regulations.

PROACTIVE REQUEST. Information made publicly available by government agencies without waiting for a specific FOI request. Government agencies now post on their websites a vast amount of material concerning their functions and mission.

PROCESSED REQUEST OR PROCESSED APPEAL. The number of requests or appeals where the agency has completed its work and sent a final response to the requester.

RECEIVED REQUEST OR RECEIVED APPEAL. An FOI request or administrative appeal that an



agency has received within a fiscal year.

REFERRAL. When a government office locates a record that originated with, or is of otherwise primary interest to another agency, it will forward that record to the other agency to process the record and to provide the final determination directly to the requester. This is called a “referral.”

SIMPLE REQUEST. An FOI request that an agency anticipates will involve a small volume of material or which will be able to be processed relatively quickly.


  1. While providing for access to information, the CWD shall afford full protection to a person’s right to privacy , pursuant to the Data Privacy Act of 2012, to wit:

  1. The CWD shall ensure that personal information, particularly sensitive personal information, in its custody or under its control is disclosed only as permitted by existing laws;
  2. The CWD shall protect personal information in its custody or under its control by making reasonable security arrangements against unauthorized access, leaks or premature disclosure;
  3. The FRO, FDM or any employee or official who has access, whether authorized or unauthorized, to personal information in the custody of the CWD, shall not disclose that information except as authorized by existing laws.
  4. Request and release of information pertaining to personnel records shall be made pursuant to CSC Memorandum Circular No. 56, s. 1990

SECTION 5. STANDARD PROCEDURE (See Annex “C” for flowchart)

  1. Receipt of Request of Information.

1.1 The FOI Receiving Officer (FRO) shall receive the request for information from the       requesting party and check compliance of the following requirements:

  • The request must be in writing;
  • The request shall state the name and contact information of the



requesting party, as well as provide valid proof of identification or authorization; and

  • The request shall reasonably describe the information requested, and the reason for, or purpose of, the request for information. (See Annex D).
  • The request can be made through email, provided that the requesting party shall attach in the email a scanned copy of the FOI application request and a copy of a duly recognized government ID with photo.

  1. 2In case the requesting party is unable to make a written request, because of illiteracy or by reason of disability, he or she may make an oral request and the FRO shall reduce in writing.

  1. 3The request shall be stamped received by the FRO, indicating the date and time      of       the receipt of the written request and the name, rank, title and position of the public officer who actually received it, with a corresponding signature and a copy, furnished to the requesting party. In case of email requests, the email shall be printed out and   shall follow the procedure mentioned above, and be acknowledged by electronic mail.   The FRO shall input the details of the request on the Request Tracking System and   allocate a reference number.
  2. 4The CWD must respond to requests promptly, within the fifteenth (15) working day     following the date of the receipt of the request. A working day is any day other than Saturday, Sunday or a day which is declared a national public holiday in the Philippines. In computing for the period, ᶟArt. 13 of the New Civil Code shall be observed.

The date of receipt of the request will be either:

a. The day on which the request is physically or electronically delivered to the   government   office or directly into the email inbox of a member of staff; or

b. If the government office has asked the requesting party for further details to identify and locate the requested information, the date on which the


ᶟArt.rt. 13 Chapter I of the New Civil Code of the Philippines: When the laws speaks of years, months, days or nights, it shall be understood that years are of three hundred sixty-five days each; months, of thirty days; days, of twenty- four hours; and nights from sunset to sunrise. If months are designated by their name, they shall be computed by the number of days which they respectively have. In computing a period, the first day shall be excluded, and the last day included. (7a)           



necessary clarification is received.

An exception to this will be where the request has been emailed to an absent member of staff, and this has generated an ‘out of office’ message with instructions on how to re-direct the message to another contact. Where this is the case, the date of receipt will be the day the request arrives in the inbox of that contact.

Should the requested information need further details to identify or locate, then the 15 working days will commence the day after CWD receives the required clarification from the requesting party.

  1. Evaluation of the Request. After receipt of the request for information, the FRO shall evaluate the contents of the request.

  1. 1Requested Information is Available. If the requested information is known to the FRO to be available at the CWD either wholly or partially, the FRO shall endorse the request to the concerned FDM who has the requested information.

  1. 2Requested information is not in the custody of the CWD: If the requested information is not in the custody of the CWD following referral and discussions with the concerned FDM, the FRO shall undertake the following steps:

  1. If the records requested refer to another government agency, the request will be immediately transferred to such appropriate agency through the most expeditious manner and the CWD (as transferring office) must inform the requesting party that the information is not held within the 15 working day limit. The 15 working day requirement for the receiving office commences the day after it receives the request.
  2. If the records refer to an office not within the coverage of E.O No. 2 (i.e. private company), the requesting party shall be advised accordingly and provided with the contact details of that office, if known.

  1. 3Requested information is already posted and available on-line: Should the information being requested is already posted and publicly available in the CWD website,, or, the FRO shall inform the requesting party of



the said fact and provide them the website link where the information is posted.

  1. 4Requested information is substantially similar or identical to the previous request: Should the requested information be substantially similar or identical to a previous request by the same requester, the request shall be denied. However, the FRO shall inform the applicant of the reason of such denial.

2.5 Requested information is under the Exception List: If the requested information     is   covered in the Exception List, the FRO shall consult with the concerned FDM if the requested document can indeed not be given to the requesting party. The requesting party should be properly informed of the denial and the reason for the denial. Covered under the Exception List are the following information:

  1. Minimum Performance Standards and Specifications (MPSS)
  2. Bidding Documents prior to Advertisement, pursuant to R.A. 9184 or the Government Procurement Reform Act
  3. Those to be provided by the PCOO

Other Exceptions listed under EO 2 (s. 2016)

  1. Information covered by executive privilege
  2. Privileged information relating to national security, defense, or international relations
  3. Information concerning law enforcement and protection of public and personal safety
  4. Information deemed confidential for the protection of the privacy and certain individuals such as minors, victims of crimes or the accused
  5. Information, documents or records known by reason of official capacity and are deemed as confidential, including those submitted or disclosed by entities to government agencies, tribunals and boards or officers, in relation to the performance of their functions or to inquire or investigation conducted by them in the exercise of their administrative, regulatory or quasi-judicial powers.
  6. Prejudicial, premature disclosure
  7. Records of proceedings or information from proceedings which pursuant to law or relevant rules and regulations are treated as confidential or privileged
  8. Matters considered confidential under banking and finance laws and their



amendatory laws, and;

  1. Other exception to the right to information under laws, jurisprudence, and rules and regulations.

     2.6 Requested Information is under Restricted Information: If the   requested information is under the Classified        Information List, the FRO should consult with the concerned FDM regarding the necessary precautionary procedure before releasing the requesting information, or denial of the request, whichever is applicable, pursuant to MC No. 78, s. 1964 and other pertinent laws. Covered in the Restricted List are the following information:

            a.         Transcript and Minutes of the Board Meetings

            b.         Bidding documents after submission, pursuant to R.A. 9184

c.         Personal information pursuant to Data Privacy Act of 2012, CSC MC No. 56, s. 1990   and other pertinent laws

  1. Transmittal of Request by the FRO to the FDM: After receipt of the request for information, the FRO shall evaluate the information being requested, and notify the FDM of such request. The copy of the request shall be forwarded to such FDM within one (1) day from receipt of the written request. The FRO shall record the date, time and the name of the name of the name of the FDM who received the request in a record book with the corresponding signature of acknowledgement of receipt of the request.
  2. Processing the request: Upon receipt of the request for information from the FRO, the FDM shall assess and clarify the request if necessary. He or she shall make all necessary steps to locate and retrieve the information requested. The FDM shall ensure that the complete information requested be submitted to the FRO within 10 days upon receipt of such request.

The FRO shall note the date and time of receipt of the information from the FDM and report to CWD General Manager or his/her designate, in case the submission is beyond the 10-day period.

If the FDM needs further details from the requesting party to identify or locate the information, he shall, through the FRO, seek clarification from the requesting party. The clarification shall stop the running of the 15 working day period which will

commence the day after it receives the required clarification from the requesting




  1. Role of FRO to transmit the Clarificatory information of the FDM to the Requesting party: Upon receipt of the requested clarificatory information from the FDM, the FRO shall ensure that the requested information is complete. He shall attach a cover/transmittal letter signed by the CWD Administrator or his/her designate and ensure the transmittal of such to the requesting party within 15 working days upon receipt of the request for more information.

  1. Request for an Extension of Time: If the information requested requires extensive search of the government’s office records facilities, or examination of voluminous records, the FDM should inform the FRO.

The FRO shall inform the requesting party of the extension, setting forth the reasons for such extension. In no case shall the extension exceed twenty (20) working days on top of the mandate fifteen (15) working days to act on the request, unless exceptional circumstances warrant a longer period.

  1. Notice to the Requesting Party of the Decision: The FDM endorses the approval or denial of the request to the General Manager who shall make the final decision on CWD’s action on the request. The FRO shall prepare the final response of CWD to the requesting party either in writing or by email.

  1. Approval of Request: In case of approval, the FRO, in consultation with the FDM, shall ensure that all records that have been retrieved and considered be checked for possible exemptions, prior to actual release. The FRO shall prepare the letter or email informing the requesting party within the prescribed period that the request was granted and be directed to pay the applicable fees, if any.

  1. Denial of Request: In case of denial of the request wholly or partially, the FRO shall, within the prescribed period, notify the requesting party of the denial in writing. The notice shall clearly set forth the ground or grounds for denial and the circumstances on which the denial is based. Failure to notify the requesting party of the action taken on the request within the period herein provided shall be deemed a denial of the request to information.




A person whose request for access to information has been denied may avail himself of the remedy set forth below:

  1. Administrative FOI Appeal to the CWD Appeals and Review Committee: Provided, that the written appeal must be filed by the same requesting party within fifteen (15) calendar days from the notice of denial or from the lapse of the period to respond to the request.
    1. The appeal shall be decided by the CWD General Manager upon the recommendation of the Appeals and Review Committee within thirty (30) working days from the filing of said written appeal. Failure to decide within the 30-days period shall be deemed a denial of the appeal.
    2. The denial of the Appeal by the CWD General Manager or the lapse of the period to respond to the request may be Appealed further to the Office of the President under Administrative Order No. 22, s. 2011.

  1. Upon exhaustion of administrative FOI Appeal remedies, the requesting party may file the appropriate judicial action in accordance with the Rules of Court.


            The CWD shall establish a system to trace the status of all requests for information received by it, which may be paper-based, on- line or both.

            The information on the said tracking system will form the bases for the contents of the Annual FOI Report required of all government agencies to be submitted to the PCOO.


  1. No Request Fee. The CWD shall not charge any fee for accepting requests for access to information.
  2. Reasonable Cost of Reproduction and Copying of the Information:

The FRO shall immediately notify the requesting party in case there shall be a production and copying fee in order to provide the information. The schedule of fees shall be posted by the CWD.

  1. Exemption from Fees: The CWD may exempt any requesting party from payment of



fees, upon request stating the valid reason why such requesting party shall not pay the fee.


  1. Non-compliance with FOI. Failure to comply with the provisions of this Manual shall be a ground for the following administrative penalties:
    1. 1st Offense-Reprimand
    2. 2nd Offense -Suspension of one (1) to thirty (30) days; and
    3. 3rd offense-Dismissal from the service.
  2. Provisions for More Stringent Laws, Rules and Regulations. Nothing in this Manual shall be construed to derogate from any law, any rules, or regulation prescribed by anybody or agency, which provides for more stringent penalties.






                                              ANNEX A



                                                           BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES

                                                                      EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 02


WHEREAS, pursuant to Article 28, Article II of the 1987 Constitution, the state adopts and implements a policy of full public disclosure of all its transactions involving public interest, subject to reasonable conditions prescribed by law;

WHEREAS, Section 7, Article III of the Constitution guarantees the right of the people to information on matters of public concern;

WHEREAS, the incorporation of this right in the Constitution is a recognition of the fundamental role of free and open exchange of information in a democracy, meant to enhance transparency and accountability in government official acts, transactions or decisions;

WHEREAS, the Executive Branch recognizes the urgent need to operationalize these Constitutional provisions;

WHEREAS, the President, under Section 17, Article VII of the Constitution, has control over all executive departments, bureaus and offices, and the duty to ensure that the laws be faithfully executed;

WHEREAS, the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (R.A. 10173), including its implementing Rules and Regulations, strengthens the fundamentals human right of privacy, and of communication while ensuring the free flow of information to promote innovation and growth;

NOW, THEREFORE, I RODRIGO ROA DUTERTE, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution and existing laws, do hereby order:

SECTION 1. Definition. For the purpose of this Executive Order, the following terms shall mean:

  1. “Information” shall mean any records, documents, papers, reports, letters, contracts, minutes and transcript of official meetings, maps, books, photographs, data, research materials, films, sound and video recording, magnetic or other tapes, electronic data, computer stored data, any other like or similar data or materials recorded, stored or archived in whatever format, whether offline or online, which are made, received in whatever format , whether offline or online, which are made, received, or kept in or under the control and custody of any government office pursuant to law, executive order, and rules and regulations or in connection with the performance or transaction of official business by any government office.
  2. “Official record/records” shall refer to information produced or received by a public officer or employee, or by a government office in an official capacity or pursuant to a public function or duty.
  3. “Public record/records” shall include information required by laws, executive orders, rules, or regulations to be entered, kept and made publicly available by a government office.

SECTION 2. Coverage. This order shall cover all government offices under the Executive Branch, including but not limited to the national government and all its offices, departments, bureaus, offices and instrumentalities, including government-owned or –controlled corporations, and state universities and colleges. Local Government Units (LGUs) are encouraged to observe and be guided by this order.

SECTION 3. Access to Information. Every Filipino shall have access to information, official records, public records and to documents and papers pertaining to official acts, transaction or decisions, as well as to government research data used as basis for policy development.

SECTION 4. Exception. Access to information shall be denied when the information falls under any of the exceptions enshrined in the Constitution, existing law or jurisprudence.

The department of Justice and the Office of the Solicitor General are hereby directed to prepare an inventory of such exceptions and submit the same to the Office of the President within thirty (30) calendar days from the of effectivity of this Order.

The Office of the President shall thereafter, immediately circularize the inventory of exceptions for the guidance of all government offices and instrumentalities covered by this Order and the general public.

Said inventory of exceptions shall periodically be updated to properly reflect any change in existing law and jurisprudence and the Department of Justice and the Office of the Solicitor General are directed to update the inventory of exceptions as the need to do so arises, for circulation as herein above stated.

SECTION 5. Availability of SALN. Subject to the provisions contained in Sections 3 and 4 of this Order, all public officials are reminded of their obligation to file and make available for scrutiny their Statements of Assets, Liabilites and Net Worth (SALN) in accordance with existing laws, rules and regulations, and the spirit and letter of this Order.

SECTION 6. Application and Interpretation. There shall be a legal presumption in favor of access to information, public records and official records. No request for information shall be denied unless it clearly falls under any of the exceptions listed in the inventory or updated inventory of exceptions circularized by the Office of the President provided in the preceding section.

The determination of the applicability of any of the exceptions to the request shall be the responsibility of the Head of the Office, which is in custody or control of the information, public record or official record, or the responsible central or field officer duly designated by him in writing.

In making such determination, the Head of the Office or his designated officer shall exercise reasonable diligence to ensure that no exception shall be used or availed of to deny any request for information or access to public records, or official records if the denial is intended primarily and purposely to cover up a crime, wrong doing, graft or corruption.

SECTION 7. Protection of Privacy. While providing access to information, public records, and official records, responsible officials shall afford full protection to the right to privacy of the individual as follows:

  1. Each government office per Section 2 hereof shall ensure that personal information in its custody or under its control is disclosed or released only if it is material or relevant to the subject matter of the request and its disclosure is permissible under this order or existing law, rules or regulations;
  2. Each government office must protect personal information in its custody or control by making reasonable security arrangements against leaks or premature disclosure of personal information, which unduly exposes the individual, whose personal information is requested, to vilification, harassment or any other wrongful acts;

  1. Any employee, official or director of a government office per Section 2 hereof who has access, authorized or unauthorized, to personal information in the custody of the office, must not disclosure that information except when authorized under this order or pursuant to existing laws, rules or regulations;

SECTION 8. People’s Freedom to Information (FOI) Manual. For the effective implementation of this Order, every government office is directed to prepare within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days from the effectivity of this Order, its own People’s FOI Manual, which shall include among others the following provisions:

  1. The location and contact information of the head, regional, provincial, and field offices and other established places where the public can obtain information or submit requests;
  2. The person or office responsible for receiving requests for information;
  3. The procedure for the filing and processing of the request as specified in the succeeding Section 9 of this Order;
  4. The standard forms for the submission of requests and for the proper acknowledgment of requests;
  5. The process for the disposition of requests;
  6. The procedure for the administrative appeal of any denial for access to information; and,
  7. The schedule of applicable fees.

SECTION 9. Procedure. The following procedure shall govern the filing and processing of request for access to information:

  1. Any person who requests access to information shall submit a written request to the government office concerned. The request shall state the name and contact information of the requesting party, provide valid proof of his identification or authorization, reasonably describe the information requested, and the reason for, or purpose of, the request for information: Provided, that no request shall be denied or refused acceptance unless the reason for the request is contrary to law, existing rules and regulations or it is one of the exceptions contained in the inventory or updated inventory of exception as herein above provided.
  2. The public official receiving the request shall provide reasonable assistance, free of charge, to enable, to enable all requesting parties and particularly those with special needs, to comply with the request requirements under this Section.
  3. The request shall be stamped by the government office, indicating the date and time of receipt and the name, rank, title and position of the receiving public officer or employee with the corresponding signature, and a copy thereof furnished to the requesting party. Each government office shall establish a system to trace the status of all requests for information received by it.
  4. The government office shall respond to a request fully compliant with requirements of sub-section (a) hereof as soon as practicable but not exceeding fifteen (15) working days from the receipt thereof. The response mentioned above refers to the decision of the agency or office concerned to grant or deny access to the information requested.
  5. The period to respond may be extended whenever the information requested requires extensive search of the government office’s records facilities, examination of voluminous records, the occurrence of fortuitous cases or other analogous cases. The government office shall notify the person making the request of the extension, setting forth the reasons for such extension. In no case shall the extension go beyond twenty (20) working days unless exceptional circumstances warrant a longer period.
  6. Once a decision is made to grant the request, the person making the request shall be notified of such decision and directed to pay any applicable fees.

SECTION 10. Fees. Government offices shall not charge any fee for accepting requests for access to information. They may, however, charge a reasonable fee to reimburse necessary costs, including actual costs of reproduction and copying of the information required, subject to existing rules and regulations. In no case shall the applicable fees be so onerous as to defeat the purpose of this Order.

SECTION 11. Identical or Substantially Similar Requests. The government office shall not be required to act upon an unreasonable subsequent identical or substantially similar request from the same requesting party whose request has already been previously granted or denied by the same government office.

SECTION 12. Notice of Denial. If the government office decides to deny the request, in whole or in part, it shall as soon as practicable, in any case within fifteen (15) working days from the receipt of the request, notify the requesting party the denial in writing. The notice shall clearly set forth the ground or grounds for denial and the circumstances on which the denial is based. Failure to notify the requesting party of the action taken on the request within the period herein stipulated shall be deemed a denial of the request for access to information.

SECTION 13. Remedies in Cases of Denial of Request for Access to Information.

  1. Denial of any request for access to information may be appealed to the person or office next higher in the authority, following the procedure mentioned in Section 9 of this Order; Provided, that the written appeal must be filed by the same person making the request within (15) working days from the notice of denial or from the lapse of the relevant period to respond to the request.
  2. The appeal be decided by the person or office next higher in authority within thirty (30) working days from the filing of said written appeal. Failure of such person or office to decide within the afore-stated period shall be deemed a denial of the appeal.
  3. Upon exhaustion of administrative appeal remedies, the requesting party may file the appropriate case in the proper courts in accordance with the Rules of Court.

SECTION 14. Keeping of Records. Subject to existing laws, rules and regulations, government offices shall create and/or maintain accurate and reasonably complete records of important information in appropriate formats, and implement a records management system that facilitates easy identification, retrieval and communication of information to the public.

SECTION 15. Administrative Liability. Failure to comply with the provisions of this Order may be a ground for administrative and disciplinary sanctions against any erring public officer or employee as provided under existing laws or regulations.

SECTION 16. Implementing Details. All government offices in the Executive Branch are directed to formulate their respective implementing details taking into consideration their mandates and the nature of information in their custody or control, within one hundred twenty (120) days from the effectivity of this Order.

SECTION 17. Separability Clause. If any section or part of this Order is held unconstitutional or invalid, the other sections or provisions not otherwise affected shall remain in full force or effect.

SECTION 18. Repealing Clause. All orders, rules and regulations, issuances or any part thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this Executive Order are hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly: Provided, that the provisions of Memorandum Circular No. 78 (s. 1964), as amended, shall not be deemed repealed pending further review.

SECTION 19. Effectivity. This Order shall take effect immediately upon publication in a newspaper of general circulation.

DONE, in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of July in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Sixteen.


   President of the Philippines

By the President:


           Executive Secretary


FOI Receiving Officer of the CWD

Name of Agency

Location of FOI

Receiving Office

Contact Details

Assigned FOI

Receiving Officer

Calauag Water District

Administrative and

Financial Section

CWD Office


(042) 717-7223

           Email address:

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Juliana M. Francia

Division Manager C

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